Breaking Ground

My name is Ashley, and this is the first post of the blog I'd always danced around creating. I do not profess to be a bard of great quality, but I do qualify as an honest one. Wherever this goes from here will represent a journey; one modern North American Druid's road to making sense of the madness prevalent within her world. I don't promise answers, or wisdom. Only honesty. I have the right to change my mind; to engage in dialogues that bridge opposing points of view. Some days will be good, others will be darker, but no one I know has had nothing but good days.

I'm irreverent.
I'm nerdy.
I'm married with cats.
Sometimes I can be the black bitch of yon hole in the ground that will accept nothing shy of a cold Guinness (or Crabbies, with lemon) and a mountain of chocolate to soothe the beast.
I'm a voting American Pagan.
I'm an artist, mostly.

About the name.

I always have difficulty with names. I'm always afraid to get pegged with a name that I didn't intend, and have it stick around with me forever, so I do as my people do, and went within.

I've always had a special relationship with fire. And perhaps paradoxically, a relationship with trees. My birth name (which is what I use, btw. I don't have a particular magical moniker. I simply choose not to; my birth name suffices) means "A Leigh of Ash Trees", or for those of you that don't know what a leigh is essentially: "a meadow with ash trees in it", and I couldn't think of anything more appropriate for someone like me.

So a leigh is a meadow (With ashes in it, in this instance. Because I said so.), just add fires. Not forest fires; but sacred fires. Or cooking fires. Or fires where people gather just to tell stories and share each others company, because that's the very heart of modern Druidry in a nutshell. It can be the fires of war and devastation. It is the fire of imbas, the fire in the cauldrons, and because I'm a doofus; the fire in me. It's who I am and have always been, in various stages of my life. Fires in the leigh, by the sea.

More later, wherein I discuss what I mean by presumptuously assuming the identity of "Druid".


  1. So looking forward to reading more. I haz you bookmarked!
    xx Renilicious


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